Stade Rennais Online

Stéphane Dalmat on the front line

Bastien 28 January 2011 à 01h09

Before facing Sochaux, Stéphane Dalmat doesn’t mind being the target of criticism. He accepts this role to help the Stade Rennes youngsters improve, and because aged 31, he can “take it all in his stride”

"I know I’m not the most loved, but the most important part happens here! » In a hand gesture, Stéphane Dalmat points at the training grounds, during the press conference before Saturday’s Sochaux-Rennes. Facing criticism from outside the team, the 31 years old midfielder doesn’t look for cover. “The most important is that I respect my team-mates, my staff and those who work directly with the team.”

Early December, Frédéric Antonetti had blamed « dark forces » around the club. People close to Stade Rennes were spreading the world, according to him, that Stade Rennes thought of replacing the man who came last summer. “This is not the truth”, the Corsican manager kept on repeating, defending “a great professional, despite what people can think”.

"My career is behind me"

A few weeks later before facing Sochaux, his last club before Rennes, Stéphane Dalmat is happy to take a lightning rod role. Without any complaint. “I prefer attacks against me rather that against a twenty years old. I can cope much better with knocks and criticism.”“I took about it with Doumbia and Brahimi for example, he explains. I told them: “I’m here, I give it to you and you, let it go! Be free! Have fun ! Attack ! Me ? my career is behind me. “ » Just as an old soldier on the front line.

In a very young squad, Stéphane Dalmat knows his football history and his up and downs are something different. But he insists on the bright side: “I’ve known the greatest things a player could dream of: the greatest teams, outstanding atmospheres and passion, the pressure of Milan, Marseille or Paris.”

Working behind the scenes

In six months, he has already played 18 Ligue 1 games but he admits: “People expect more from me and I expect more from myself.” But the centre midfielder has already won one victory: “I made people understand, that I am someone simple, chilled out, not a trouble maker, someone who loves working and do it with all the possible seriousness.” He know needs to keep on counselling the club’s youngsters, and score his chances to help the club manage “A place in the top five”.“I came to share my experience, bring the little something Stade Rennes lacked to be at the top, he continues. And today, we are third. Even if you might not see it and I’ve not been decisive, I think I participate in the youngsters’ progress.”

Nicolas Auffray - Le Mensuel de Rennes

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