Scores Rennes en direct


Useful Informations about the Stade Rennais Football Club : Club details, address, logo, shirts, history and highlights, achievements, stadium, training complex, Academy…

General Information about the Club
Stade Rennais’ Honours


The Stadium
The Training Centre
The Academy


History of the Stade Rennais
History of Stade Rennais Stadiums

History of the Stade Rennais in the French League
A History of the Stade Rennais in the Coupe de France :
The Stade Rennais in the League Cup

The 1965 Coupe de France Victory
The 1971 Coupe de France victory
1999 : Rennes faces Juventus Turin
The 2003 Gambardella Cup victory
The 2008 Gambardella Cup Victory




Derniers articles de la rubrique

17 July 2002

Created on March, 10th 1901, the Stade Rennais keeps on writing the most beautiful pages in its history. Finishing 4th of the 2004-2005 French Championship was the club's best ever result...

17 July 2002

In 1999, the Stade Rennais, qualified for the Intertoto Cup thanks to their fifth position in the league, host the Juventus Turin of Zidane, Del Piero & Inzaghi, coming out of a really disappointing season...

17 July 2002

Six years after their first Coupe de France, won in 1965, the Stade Rennais, still coached by Jean Prouff, win its second Coupe de France...

17 July 2002

After two lost finals, in 1922 and 1935, the Stade Rennais finally wins their first Coupe de France...

17 July 2002

Despite its recent creation, the League Cup (Coupe de la Ligue) as acquired a certain importance, due to the European Cup qualification awarded to its winner. Since the 1994-95 season and the first “regular” edition (previously, it was episodically played in the Summer period), the Stade Rennais never really did well in the competition, at the exception of a semi-final in 2002.

17 July 2002

The most important of national competitions, the French League, Division 1 or Ligue 1, remains the best marker of a team's good health. The Stade Rennais is one of its historical members, and the “Rouge et Noirs” have known a few highs, but also many lows, including 8 relegations in second division, the last one in 1992. This is now water under the Vilaine's bridges, and Rennes has reached a national standing it only knew in the 1960's. But let's not forget where we come from.

17 July 2002

An introduction to the Stade Rennais Academy, best Football Academy in France for the fourth year in a row.

17 July 2002

Information and Pictures on the Stade de la Route de Lorient...

17 July 2002

Description and Pictures of the Henri Guérin training centre, training headquarters for the Stade Rennais...

17 July 2002

All the useful information about the Stade Rennais Football Club: address, shirts, logo, organisation chart...